
Muggling through the day

Time of arrival at work: 8:40 am
Time of departure from work: 8:10 pm

'Nuff said.

At home, a lovely surprise: T had cleaned up! Most of our dining table surface can be seen again. The top of the shoe rack beside the front door is perfectly neat, as I always hoped it would be. Our shoes are in tidy rows once more. And after I got home, he was sorting through all his photographs and negatives, and put everything away in the new cabinet we bought.

Happiness is a neat domicile. Truly.

Okay, to be perfectly honest, the domicile isn't perfectly neat. I have to clean my crap off the floor/table where T left it once he'd identified it as my crap. But he shelved away or tossed out most of the original crap, which was his crap, so we are, overall, fairly crap-free.

I'm so excited! We've got to invite my parents over, so that they can see what the place looks like when it's clean, and my friends who are back from the US, who are the main reason I chivvied T into cleaning up, because they have two kids under the age of three for whom our previously untidy apartment would be a minefield. Once I get my crap cleaned up, maybe our place will be sufficiently childproof so they can come over for a few hours. They'll be the first children to step into the apartment --- ever. Can you just imagine it?

I've been talking to Sprite, who's had her first encounter with a vicious and stupid she-troll. That wasn't all we talked about, but here's the best nugget from the conversation:

Sprite: BTW, 65 million youths have internet access
Me: God help us.

To round up this entry of the twentysomething-married-couple-who-still-live-like-college-kids, let me recite my dinner menu for tonight:

(+) 1 mug of jasmine tea
(+) About 1/5 of your standard block of brie
(+) 3 Jacob's crackers
(+) 4 slices of kueh lapis (thank you, Sprite's mom!)

That was my dinner menu. T's was nonexistent. He said he wasn't hungry.

Are you still going to ask us why we don't have kids?


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